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Light Brown Highlights On Black Hair: A Guide To Achieving The Perfect Look

Written by Juan Stafford Apr 19, 2022 · 4 min read
Light Brown Highlights On Black Hair: A Guide To Achieving The Perfect Look

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Light Brown Highlights On Black Hair 2022
Light Brown Highlights On Black Hair 2022 from fashion-weeks.net

The Trending Hair Color

Black hair has always been a popular hair color for women. It is sleek, chic, and timeless. However, in recent years, women have been experimenting with hair colors that complement their natural hair color. One of the most popular hair color trends is light brown highlights on black hair.

Why Light Brown Highlights?

Light brown highlights add dimension and depth to black hair. It is a subtle way to add some color to your hair without going all-out with a completely new hair color. It is perfect for those who want to change up their look without committing to a drastic change.

How to Achieve Light Brown Highlights on Black Hair

Achieving light brown highlights on black hair is not as easy as it seems. It requires some preparation and the right technique to achieve the perfect look. Here are the steps to achieve light brown highlights on black hair: 1. Choose the right shade of brown – The shade of brown you choose will depend on your skin tone and the natural color of your hair. It is important to choose a shade that complements your skin tone and does not clash with your natural hair color. 2. Section your hair – Section your hair into four parts – front, back, and two sides. This will make it easier to apply the highlights evenly. 3. Apply the highlights – Apply the light brown hair dye to the sections of hair that you want to highlight. Use a brush to apply the dye, making sure that it is evenly distributed. 4. Wait – Leave the dye on your hair for the recommended time. This will vary depending on the brand of hair dye you use. 5. Rinse – Rinse your hair with warm water until the water runs clear. Do not use hot water as it can damage your hair.

How to Care for Your Light Brown Highlights on Black Hair

Caring for your light brown highlights on black hair is important to maintain the look. Here are some tips to care for your hair: 1. Use a sulfate-free shampoo – Sulfates can strip your hair of its natural oils and cause your color to fade faster. Use a sulfate-free shampoo to keep your hair healthy and your color vibrant. 2. Use a deep conditioner – Use a deep conditioner once a week to keep your hair moisturized and healthy. 3. Avoid heat styling – Heat styling can damage your hair and cause your color to fade faster. If you must heat style, use a heat protectant spray to protect your hair. 4. Protect your hair from the sun – The sun can cause your color to fade faster. Wear a hat or use a UV protectant spray to protect your hair from the sun's rays.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long do light brown highlights on black hair last?

A: Light brown highlights on black hair can last anywhere from 4-6 weeks depending on how often you wash your hair and how well you take care of it.

Q: Can I do light brown highlights on my own?

A: It is possible to do light brown highlights on your own, but it is recommended to have it done by a professional to achieve the best results.

Q: Will light brown highlights damage my hair?

A: Light brown highlights should not damage your hair if done correctly. However, it is important to use a deep conditioner and avoid heat styling to keep your hair healthy.

Q: Can I do light brown highlights on any hair type?

A: Light brown highlights can be done on any hair type, but it is important to choose the right shade of brown that complements your natural hair color and skin tone.
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