2023 .

How To Cornrow Short Hair In 2023

Written by Pauline Lafleur May 09, 2023 ยท 3 min read
How To Cornrow Short Hair In 2023

A: Yes, you can cornrow short hair. However, it may be a bit more challenging, and you may need to use smaller sections of hair.

Table of Contents



Cornrows are a popular hairstyle among people of all ages and hair types. It is a style that has been around for centuries and is loved for its versatility and low maintenance. However, cornrowing short hair can be a daunting task for many people. In this article, we will guide you on how to cornrow short hair in easy steps.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Prepare your hair

Before you start cornrowing your hair, make sure that it is clean and dry. You can use a shampoo and conditioner to clean your hair and towel dry it. If your hair is too dry, you can apply some oil to moisturize it.

Step 2: Section your hair

Take a small section of hair from the front of your head and divide it into three equal parts. Hold the left section with your left hand, the right section with your right hand, and leave the middle section in between.

Step 3: Start braiding

Cross the left section over the middle section, then cross the right section over the new middle section. Keep repeating this until you reach the end of the hair section. Secure the end of the braid with a hairband.

Step 4: Continue braiding

Take another section of hair from the front of your head, add it to the first braid, and continue braiding as before. Repeat this process until you have braided all your hair.

Step 5: Maintain your cornrows

To keep your cornrows looking neat and tidy, you can apply some hair gel or oil to your scalp and edges. You can also use a satin scarf or bonnet to protect your hair while you sleep.

Tips for Cornrowing Short Hair

- Start with small sections of hair to make the braiding process easier. - Use hair gel or oil to help the braids stay in place. - Don't pull your hair too tight as it can cause breakage and damage. - Be patient and take your time while braiding.


Q: Can I cornrow my hair if it's too short?

A: Yes, you can cornrow short hair. However, it may be a bit more challenging, and you may need to use smaller sections of hair.

Q: How long can I leave my cornrows in?

A: You can leave your cornrows in for up to six weeks, but it is recommended to take them out after four weeks to avoid hair breakage.

Q: Can I wash my hair while wearing cornrows?

A: Yes, you can wash your hair while wearing cornrows. However, be gentle with your hair and avoid using hot water, as it can cause frizzing and tangling.

Q: Can I add extensions to my cornrows?

A: Yes, you can add extensions to your cornrows to create a longer or thicker look. Make sure you use good quality hair extensions and secure them properly to avoid hair breakage.


Cornrowing short hair may seem challenging, but with practice and patience, anyone can do it. Follow these easy steps and tips to achieve a neat and stylish cornrow look. Remember to take care of your hair while wearing cornrows to avoid damage and breakage.
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